Monday, May 13, 2013

The invisible fireman

'Hey what you up to' March 30th, 12:28 am

'Hey what ya up to today' April 3rd 10:14 am

'Hey what ya up to??' April 5th 10:15 am

'Hey what ya up to??' April 7th 10:26 pm

This was pretty much my exchange with an individual whom I met through an online dating service. He looked very handsome in pictures, what he had to say about himself sounded really appealing and... he also said on his profile, he was a Fireman for the City of New York. (sold!)

In an attempt to continue finding that fascinating human being that lures my mind and my heart, I have decided to break out of my old stereotypes about people. That means, among other things, giving them a second chance and also, try to look beyond the most obvious of their personality traits. In this case, his thing was NOT communication or the subtleties of courtship. But hey, maybe he was a truly remarkable human being in other aspects. (Note to self. Remember these 4 words: benefit of the doubt)

So after the fourth, same mispelled message, spite of my widely known natural rejection to bad spelling and little patience for BS,  I kept open the communication channels trying to see if we could meet up. He kept saying he was trapped at work, he had a training, he was wiped out. So I was beginning to ask, why does he send me messages if there is no intent  to follow up with an action? Perhaps...  He is really overweight and is buying some time to shed those extra pounds? did he go under the knife and he is recuperating, therefore, he is buying some time?  Is he expecting that on a 15 m. notice I go running to Brooklyn in the middle of the afternoon for a quickie, believing that the messages gave us enough information, that we now know each other so we skipped dating, altogether?

The last time he wrote to me was May 2nd 2013 at 7:15pm.  

'Hey what ya up to??' 

No answer from me.

Sorry, but there is a time when you have to mark the limit. Even if this did not have any fundamental consequences in my life, nor altered anything at all, about how I go about relationships, monotony really bores the hell out of me. So next time dudes, If you want a quickie, if you don't want a relationship, if you  want to indulge in crazy, animal sex with me JUST SAY IT.  Maybe, I won't have a problem with that.

1 comment:

  1. Waiting to see the next post and live vicariously through you!
